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   5 n7,n8;" ";
   5 n7,n7;"0";
   5 n5,n3;" ";
   5 n4,n8;" ";
   5 n4,n7;"1";
   5 n2,n2;" ";
   5 e$(n2)="1":
   5 e$(n2)="0"
   5 e$(n1)="1":
   5 e$(n1)="0"
   4 y1+n1,x1;"  ":
   4 n7,n8;"0":
   4 n5,n3;"0";
   4 n4,n8;"0":
   4 e$(n4)="1":
   4 e$(n4)="0"
   4 e$(n3)="1":
   4 e$(n3)="0"
   3 n7,n7;"1";
   3 n4,n7;"0";
   3 n3*n7,n;" ";
   3 n2,n2;"1":
   3 n2,n2;"0":
   3 "'"          
   2 v=g(t,n2)-n8-n8:
   2 to continue, or 
   2 t=f(f,n1):
   2 st=fob+s1-n1:
   2 s=o(o,n1):
   2 q=g(s,n1):
   2 p=g(s,n2):
   2 n9,n8;"1";
   2 n9,n8;"0";
   2 n9,n5*n5;"0 0";
   2 n9,n0+n5;"1";
   2 n7,n8;"1":
   2 n7,n7;" ";
   2 n7,n0+n5;"1";
   2 n6*n2,n8;"1";
   2 n6*n2,n8;"0";
   2 n5;"in      <-----gates---->     out
   2 n5,n3;"1";
   2 n4,n8;"1":
   2 n4,n7;" ";
   2 n3,n0+n5;"1";
   2 n0+n1,n;"1";
   2 n0+n1,n;"0";
   2 n$(n1)="s"
   2 n$(n1)="Y"
   2 n$(n1)="S"
   2 m(cx-n1,cy,n1)=g:
   2 m(cx-n1,cy,n1)
   2 l(in)=l(in)+n1:
   2 YT,XT;"  ";
   2 YT+N1,XT;"  "
   2 Y1,X1;"  ";
   2 Y1+N1,X1;"  ";
   2 ;"OFF   |   OFF"'
   2 " ",-n8-n8:
   1 y1,x1;"  ";
   1 y1+n1,x1;"  "
   1 y+n1,x;g$(n3
   1 y+N1,x;"  "
   1 v=g(t,n1):
   1 v=g(t,n1)+pt:
   1 v=g(S,n2):
   1 v=g(S,n1):
   1 truth  table
   1 t>n3*n4)+(n4
   1 t=o+n4*n4:
   1 t=n0+n6+o:
   1 t1<n0+n7)+(
   1 t(i1)-p,n:
   1 st=fib+n8*(-n1+
   1 st=ffb+n8:
   1 st=ffb+n8+n8:
   1 st=fbb+n8:
   1 st=fbb+n8+n8:
   1 select output lines
   1 s>n0+n2)+(n4
   1 s=m(j,k,n3):
   1 s=m(j,k,n2):
   1 s=f(f,n3):
   1 s=f(f,n2):
   1 s$(n9,n4):
   1 s$(n7)="OUT":
   1 s$(n6)="STOP":
   1 s$(n5)="NOR":
   1 s$(n4)="NAND":
   1 s$(n3)="NOT":
   1 s$(n2)="OR":
   1 s$(n1)="AND":
   1 q=g(T,n1)+PT:
   1 pt=+n4-(n2
   1 p=g(T,n2)-16
   1 p3=fnc+n3:
   1 p3,m(j,k,n1)
   1 p+n8,q-n7,n2
   1 p+n6,q-n7:
   1 p(o)=o(o,n2));("Your guess was wrong"
   1 out=m(x2-N1,y2,n5):
   1 out=m(x,y,n5):
   1 o(o,n2)=out
   1 o(o,n2));".  ":
   1 o(o,n1)=in:
   1 n9,n;"When we draw logic gates across the screen we work out their    function from left to right."''"The computer works out each     column of gates in one very     small interval of time."
   1 n9,n;"When input S is set, the output Q is set on, and is fed back as signal P for the next cycle.    Further cycles will leave Q on  until the input R is set, at    which time Q is reset to zero   (and fed back as P).  This will continue until S is set again. Sand R can't both be set together- but assume in the truth table that such situations set Q to   zero."
   1 n9,n;"Watch what happens to the outputof each gate for each set of    input values. Note how the same values occur at both outputs."
   1 n9,n;" ________":
   1 n9,n;" S R P  Q";
   1 n9,n3*n5;"1";
   1 n9,n3*n5;"0";
   1 n9,n3*n0;"0":
   1 n9+n9,n;"Please wait while I check your  circuit is valid.":
   1 n9+n9,n;"Now I shall calculate the outputvalues."
   1 n8,n5*n5;"in  out";
   1 n8,n5*n5;"_______";
   1 n8,n1;in2:
   1 n8,n1;" ";
   1 n7,n7+n7;" ":
   1 n7,n1;" ";
   1 n7,n0+n5;"0";
   1 n7+n7,n;"Watch what happens with various sets of inputs."
   1 n7*n3,n;"select the next input.    ":
   1 n6;"MAKE A CHIP":
   1 n6,n5*n5;"1 1":
   1 n6,n1;in1:
   1 n6,n1;" ";
   1 n6,n0+n4;"| |";
   1 n6*n2,n5*n5;"1 1":
   1 n6*n2,n3*n0;"1":
   1 n5,n5*n5;"in  out":
   1 n5,n5*n5;"1 0";
   1 n4;"  "'"  ":
   1 n4,n;"switch1";
   1 n4,n;"switch";
   1 n4,n;"S"''"R";
   1 n4,n5*n5;"0 1";
   1 n4,n4+n0;"| |";
   1 n3,n;"ignition";
   1 n3,n5*n5;"table";
   1 n3,n5*n5;"0 0";
   1 n3,n0+n5;"0";
   1 n3,n0+n1;"
   1 n2,n5*n5;"in  out";
   1 n2,n5*n5;"_______";
   1 n2,n5*n5;"Truth";
   1 n1;p+n8,q-n7,n2
   1 n1;p+n6,q-n7:
   1 n1;"_____________________________";
   1 n1;"Answer  8"
   1 n1/n2,-n0:
   1 n0,n;"switch2"
   1 n0,n;"reversing";
   1 n0,n;"Now we will see that a NOR gate is really the same as an OR gateand a NOT gate in series."
   1 n0,n;"Next, look what happens to the  NAND gate when both inputs are  the   same.":
   1 n0,n;" 0 0 0"'" 0 1 0"'" 1 0 0"'" 1 1 0  0"'" 0 0 1"'" 0 1 1"'" 1 0 1"'" 1 1 1  0"
   1 n0,n5*n5;"0 1";
   1 n0,n3*n0;"1":
   1 n0,n2;"Turn your tape recorder off."
   1 n0+n9,n;"Output ";o;" will have value ?":
   1 n0+n9,n;"Output ";o;" was ";o(o,n2)'("You guessed correctly"
   1 n0+n9,n5*n5;ip:
   1 n0+n7,n;"Would you like to give the      inputs new values?  Type I to   set the inputs, or S to stop."
   1 n0+n7,n;"Would you like to give the      inputs new values?  Type I to   set the inputs or C to continue."
   1 n0+n7,n;"Type A to amend the circuit,         R to set inputs & run,          L to learn about gates,         E to see example circuits,      S to stop."
   1 n0+n7,n;"There is no gate here although  you are using an output from    this position.  Please edit thiscircuit to make it correct.":
   1 n0+n7,n;"There is a feedback line betweenthese gates.  This could make   the ciruit be undetermined for  certain input values.           ":
   1 n0+n7,n;"Do you want me to print a copy  of the circuit on ZX Printer?   Type C for a copy, or type N forthe next set of input values.";
   1 n0+n7,n;"Do you recognise the output     pattern?  This circuit is how anOR gate is made up of NAND gates":
   1 n0+n7,N;"Type F to try another set of    initial feedback values, type I to try another set of inputs or type S to STOP."
   1 n0+n7,N;"I shall select a set of inputs":
   1 n0+n1,n;"light switch"
   1 n0+n1,n5*n5;"1 0";
   1 n0+n1,n3*n0;"1":
   1 n$(n1)="y")
   1 n$(n1)="y" 
   1 more i/p etc then mode 1
   1 means the light is waiting to be set.":
   1 m(x,y,n1)>n
   1 m(x,y,n1)=n
   1 m(n3,n4,n5):
   1 m(k,j,n3)=n
   1 m(k,j,n3)=in:
   1 m(k,j,n2)=n
   1 m(k,j,n2)=in:
   1 m(k,j,n1)=n3):
   1 m(k,j,n1)=n
   1 m(j,k,n1)=n3
   1 m(i,j,n4)=m(i,j,n5):
   1 m(gx,gy,n3)=in2:
   1 m(gx,gy,n2)=in1:
   1 m(cx-n1,cy,n4)=iP:
   1 m(J,cy,n5)=out
   1 m(J,cy,n1)=n
   1 logic elements
   1 l(in2)=l(in2)+n1
   1 l(in1)=l(in1)+1
   1 k,n;i(i);" "'"  "
   1 k,n;i(i);" "
   1 j(n3,n1)=n1:
   1 j(n2,n1)=n1:
   1 j(n1,n1)=J
   1 j(j,n3)=n4:
   1 j(j,n3)=n3:
   1 j(j,n3)=n2:
   1 j(j,n3)=n1:
   1 j(j,n2)=n7:
   1 j(j,n2)=n2:
   1 j(j,n2)=n0:
   1 j(j,n2)=15
   1 ip1=wt+n0:
   1 in=on)+(lf
   1 in=off)+(lf
   1 in2=on)+(lf
   1 in2=m(x2-n1,y2,n5):
   1 in2=m(x2-n1,y2,n4):
   1 in2=i(y2):
   1 in1=on)+(lf
   1 in1=m(x2-n1,y2,n5):
   1 in1=m(x2-n1,y2,n4):
   1 in1=i(y2):
   1 g=m(j,k,n1):
   1 for OFF   
   1 fnz=fny+n3:
   1 fny=fnx+n3:
   1 fnx=bt+n3:
   1 fnc=fnz+n3:
   1 ffb=n5*n5:
   1 f(n1,n1)=n
   1 f(n0+n2,n3)
   1 f(f,n2)=s:
   1 f(f,n1)=t:
   1 cy=n4)+(cy+n1
   1 cy=n3)+(n3*n5
   1 cy=n2)+(n0
   1 cy=n1)+(n7
   1 cy=n1)+(cy-n1
   1 cx=xl)+(cx-n1
   1 cx=xh)+(cx+n1
   1 cx=n4)+(n3*n0
   1 cx=n3)+(22
   1 cx=n2)+(n5*n3
   1 cx=n1)+(n8
   1 c(nx)=c(nx)+(n1
   1 c(n4)=n5*n5:
   1 c(n3)=n0+n7:
   1 b,A;"SAVING - do not turn tape off  ":
   1 a$(n1)="C"
   1 ___________
   1 Where do you want to start?     
   1 ST=ST+H-N1:
   1 S$(N9)="NEW"
   1 S$(N8)="COPY":
   1 Please wait while I load";
   1 Please press any key to continue
   1 PART 5    
   1 PART 4    
   1 PART 3    
   1 PART 2    
   1 N9,N;"In the first part we learnt thata NAND gate is really an AND    gate followed by a NOT gate. Theabove circuit shows two outputs,one from a NAND gate, the other from a sequence of gates."
   1 N3,N;"In the first part of the programyou learnt about gates - what   they are called and under what  conditions they are ON or OFF."''"In this part of the program we  shall see how to join gates to  make circuits, and what FEEDBACKis."''"The third part of the program iswhere you design your own       circuits."
   1 N1;"?";IP:
   1 M(CX-N1,CY,N1)
   1 LST=-n1+n2^LT:
   1 J(n4,N1)=n1:
   1 J(J,N2),N;J(J,N1)
   1 J(J,N1)=N:
   1 I=M(J,K,n3):
   1 I=M(J,K,n2):
   1 I(J(J,N3))=J(J,N1):
   1 F(N0+N2,N3):
   1 Do you want to set any more     outputs?  Answer 
   1 Do you want to edit the circuit?
   1 Do you want sound? Answer 
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 Computer hardware is essentiallyquite simple,and can be thought of as five connecting elements."
   1 CHIP      
   1 B(H+N8+N8)=N)
   1 B$(S,N3)-N8:
   1 B$(S,N3)-N8-N8:
   1 B$(S,N2)-N8:
   1 B$(S,N2)+N8:
   1 B$(S,N1)+N8:
   1 B$(S,N1)+N8+n8:
   1 B$(N4*N4,N3):
   1 B$(I)="000":
   1 ;"two values and the";
   1 ;"the truth table."
   1 ;"reversing";
   1 ;"previous cycle."
   1 ;"is a SET/RESET";
   1 ;"in      <-----gates---->     out":
   1 ;"carry, which is a";
   1 ;"bistable."
   1 ;"We could use an OR gate for a   light which has two switches.   The light would be on if EITHER switch 1 OR switch 2 is on."
   1 ;"Type 1 for the computer to try  each set of inputs in turn, or  type 2 (or 3) to try particular sets of inputs.  Type 
   1 ;"This circuit  ";
   1 ;"ON    |   ON"
   1 ;"ON    |   OFF"'
   1 ;"Now let's complete";
   1 ;"In each cycle of our";
   1 ;"I am drawing the connexion"
   1 ;"'add machine', we add";
   1 3 to guessthe output for your input values"
   1 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000L
   1 .A signal high represents 1, and low represents 0.
   1 ."''"Feedback is a means of modifyingthe input to one gate as a      result of a previous output fromanother gate,each gate being setduring a time cycle."
   1 . When the NOT is after the OR gate we call it a 
   1 .  This is an OR   gate followed by a NOT gate."''"Try and complete the truth tableby setting the inputs to the    gate.
   1 ,n;"ignition 
   1 ,n;"carry  1":
   1 ,n;"Where do you want the lines intothe outputs to come from?       First select an output, by usingcursor controls and then press  enter.":
   1 ,n;"What do you think the outputs   will be?"
   1 ,n;"We will put a light at each of  the inputs and outputs to see   what happens when different     logic values are input."
   1 ,n;"We shall now look at a gate withonly one input.  The output is  always the opposite of the      input.  We call this a 
   1 ,n;"This is how a NAND gate is drawnNow try and complete the truth  table.":
   1 ,n;"This gate has no output, this   however is not an error but is aspare circuit.  You may editthiscircuit to correct this fault."
   1 ,n;"The symbol on the screen is     called an AND gate, and is how  we represent a logic AND in     circuit drawings. The circuit   will put the light (or output)  ON if both inputs are set to ON."
   1 ,n;"The last gate we shall look at  is called 
   1 ,n;"So we need to set an initial    value for the output of the     source gate."
   1 ,n;"Set the inputs to the AND gate  to see what values turn the     reversing light ON."''"The computer will fill in a row in the truth table for each set of inputs you try.":
   1 ,n;"Please wait while I remember anddraw your circuit."
   1 ,n;"Now set the inputs and see what happens to the output and to thetruth table."
   1 ,n;"Do you recognise the pattern of the truth table?";:
   1 ,n;"Another type of gate is called  an 
   1 ,n0;"add bigger numbers...":
   1 ,n0;"That was fairly easy.";
   1 ,n0;"Now we shall try to";
   1 ,n0;" with no carry.";
   1 ,n0;" 5 plus 8 is 3 carry 1";
   1 ,n0;" 1 plus 1 (carry) is 2";
   1 ,N;"Type R to run the circuit,           C to continue design,           L to learn about gates,         E to see the examples.";
   1 ,N;"Type QUIT to leave this part of the program."
   1 , as shown next.":
   1 , and eight bits are referred to  as a byte.
   1 ))/n2^n0)/n0;"K"
   1 ''"You have now learnt about the   basic elements used in circuit  design.  The next part of the   program enables you to combine  gates and to see what happens   with a selection of different   input values."
   1 ''"When the NOT gate is immediatelyafter the AND gate we call it a 
   1 ''"These elements can be made from just one type of electronic     circuit.The complex part of the computer being  how  these      circuits are joined together."
   1 ''"The next page shows a picture ofthe way a computer is made up ofthe five elements."
   1 ''"The electric signals in the     computer are either 
   1 ''"Process is a way of saying      'work'.  The computer will work with the information held in itsmemory or the information that  you have 'input'.  There must bean 'output' so the computer can tell you what it has worked out.The control looks after  what   the computer is doing."
   1 ''"Now select the values for the   inputs to the circuit."
   1 ''"NAND and NOR gates are very easyto construct and all other gatescan be made by combining NAND   gates."
   1 ''"Do you want to continue with    your old circuit or to start a  new design?"''"Type O for your old circuit or  N for a new circuit."
   1 ''"Another example of a circuit    with feedback is a BISTABLE.    These can be used for registers and store in computers. They canhold, for another cycle, the    previous output of a gate.":
   1 ''"A binary digit is called 
   1 '"You can not position a gate     here!  Try again.":
   1 '"We will record the input and    output combinations in a 
   1 '"To move the cursor use keys 5-8.When you press enter you will beable to specify the type of gateor enter a command."
   1 '"To explain this, think of addingtwo numbers.":
   1 '"There are three basic logic"'"elements.  They are called 
   1 '"The first part of this program  tells you about circuit design. The second part shows you some  example circuits. The third partlets you experiment and design  circuits."''"If you have not run the program before, you should start with   the first part."
   1 '"If you 'BREAK' into the program,you should not type RUN as this will lose the data.  Type GOTO 1instead."
   1 '"Consider a car with a reversing light.  For the reversing light to be on, the reversing light   switch must be on whilst the    ignition is on.In logic circuitswe can say the light will be ON when the ignition is ON 
   1 '"A truth table usually has 1 and 0 instead of ON and OFF."
   1 "You have missed out an input to this gate, where should it come from?":
   1 "You already have a gate here!   You can only change the gate to one with the SAME number of     inputs.":
   1 "Where should the output come    from?  Use cursor controls to   select the position, then press enter."
   1 "What type of gate do you want tofind out about?"''"     AND  
   1 "We are now going to find out    about 
   1 "Type your command: ";a$:
   1 "Type the gate name ";g$:
   1 "Type STOP to stop design             COPY tO print circuit           OUT to set outputs              NEW to start again,        or AND OR NOT NAND NOR for gate."
   1 "This output is already being    used. Remember there can only beone line into an output.":
   1 "Sometimes we wish to use a NOT  gate just after an AND or an OR gate.  To do this we just draw  the small circle from the NOT   gate where we wish the NOT gate to go."
   1 "Select where the inputs to this gate come from.  Position the   cursor where the input is from, or at one of the outputs if you are unsure."
   1 "R, C, L or E :";a$:
   1 "Part 1 (learn), 2 (examples),   3 (experiment) or 4(STOP)";n$:
   1 "O or N :";a$:
   1 "Information is represented in a computer as a list of 1's and   0's. This type of representationis called binary. Binary is     used a lot in computing because electronic circuits can only be ON or OFF."
   1 "In this section we have seen howto make a circuit from gates. Inreality you would do this with  transistors, chips, bits of wireand solder."''"We have also seen how all the   gates can be constructed by     combining just one type of gate."''"Lastly we have looked at how we can make storage by using feed- back."
   1 "In this part you can experiment with the gates and try to createyour own circuits."''"You may use any of the gates -  AND, OR, NOT, NOR and NAND.  Youhave a command COPY which will  copy your circuit to the        ZX Printer if it is connected.  A command OUT allows you to set up to 4 outputs.  STOP will stopthe design part, I will then    check the circuit is valid, and will work out the output for anyinput combination you select."''"Have fun!":
   1 "In part 1, we said all gates canbe made from a combination of   NAND gates. We shall now see howwe can make an OR gate."
   1 "I or S: ";a$:
   1 "I or C: ";a$:
   1 "F, I or S :";a$
   1 "Electronic circuits contain"'"transistors. Common arrangementsof transistors are represented"'"symbolically by 
   1 "C (Copy) or N (Next inputs) ";a$:
   1 "A, S, R, L or E :";a$:
   1 "1, 2 or 3 :";a$:
   1 "''"     OR   
   1 "''"     NOT  
   1 "  The output is"'"equivalent to the output from a NOT gate.  So we can make NOT   gates from NAND gates - and alsowe can make AND gates (NAND thena NOT gate).":
   1  the reversing light switch is ON.
   1  switch  |  light";
   1  means the light is on"''"
   1  means the light is off"''"
   1  in circuit diagrams.
   1  from the";
   1  for ON, and 
   1  CONTROL  
   1   PROCESS   
   1   MEMORY  
   1       NOR   
   1       NAND